Tag Archives: Health

Pharmacy in US


Many international students study pharmacy in the US. It is a popular degree, but it is also a program with high admission standards. Pharmacy programs require international students to take the GRE and to do well in the GRE. The subjects covered in a pharmacy program include some of the following:

Pharmaceutics; Pathophysiology; physiology; biochemistry;microbiology,chemistry, public health, dietetics, molecular biology; bio statistics pharmacy ethics; health care; immunology and other related areas.

if you have a background in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, microbiology, medicinal chemistry, and related disciplines, you can apply to the Pharmacy program.

Uma Gupta is the CEO and Founder of planetgpa.com, an international student recruitment company.



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Study Pharmacy in US

Pravin Sahebrao Pagar said…

Pharmacy Rx symbolImage via Wikipedia

sir/madam, i am student of pharmacy studying in final(4th) year. I want to known how i will get admission in M.S.in pharma.at U.S. University.i still dosent face any test like GRE, TOFEL, ILTS, GMAT.please suggest me which exam. should i take in order to get admission in good university with offering good stipend and how much score requires.

Dear Pravin,

The Doctorate of Pharmancy (there is no Master's in Pharmacy) is a highly competitive field. This is because of the abundance of jobs in pharmacy! However, at the current time, there is more demand than supply of Pharmacy universities in the US. This is changing as more pharmacy universities in US will open over the next few years. Your best bet is to do well on GRE and TOEFL. Getting financial aid is difficult. Work hard on improving your written and oral communication skills. University of California, San Francisco has a great pharmacy program. http://pharmacy.ucsf.edu/pharmd/ Best wishes to you!

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